Monday, November 21, 2011

Metropolis by Garry Brown

Superman Returns, bitch! I love that movie. Suck it you whiney ass fanboy douchebags. Waaaah, 'he doesn't PUNCH anyone!?!?!?OMGOMGOMGOGM'. assholes.


  1. This is nice. BUT! The movie is a fucking rehash of the first one. Brandon Routh (while he looks like Christopher Reeve) just doesn't have the acting chops that Reeve had. Go back and watch the Reeve ones; there's a quality in his Superman that Routh's is missing. The movie looks great, but that's about it. I also thought Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor was a good choice.

    also- I like that "fanboy douchebags" is one of your labels.

  2. You just revealed yourself to be a fanboy douchebag. I hope you are happy with yourself.

  3. I didn't hate the movie. I've only seen it once in the theatre, but it made me really happy the one time I watched it. I've been thinking about checking it out again. I personally thought the best part of the movie was Brandon Routh, and I'm a big fan of him from Scott Pilgrim and his story arc on Chuck.

    That said, obviously this is a cool picture!

  4. looked wack so i didnt see it. lol But this is a great piece dude. I could see how Kevin Spacey would make a good Lex ...but Brandon Routh looks like a kid to me...not Superman.

  5. Best description in Omega History.

  6. I have no opinion on the matter, but this is fuckin badass

  7. I watched for a second time after reading Bryan Singer's article or essay or whatever on the film. His opinion of it made a lot of sense, I viewed it as he intended and enjoyed it. Although, I still didn't care for the child bit.

  8. Singer did this Looking Back at Superman thing that is a bit lengthy from what I recall, but the gist of it is: X-men was a dark sci-fi, X2 was a big summer action flick, so people suspected he would approach Superman the same way. When it turned out to be a nostalgic, romantic love letter to the first two Superman films, young adult males were upset. Which is understandable, but unfair.
